En Avant!

“En avant” means “Onward!”  Since this is my very first post EVER, I thought I’d start with something spiffy. Like a foreign language.

Ooh la la! J'aime bien le francais

Like a foreign language I actually understand, which is French. It’s my way of encouraging myself to go for it.

If you read my  page WHY, you’ll discover that I love words.  Even though I don’t really consider myself a poet, there is a music and a magic in words that both inspires me and feeds me.

Here’s something I’ve noticed: when a word sounds delicious, it’s usually because it has some onomatopoeia ( on-a-mat-a-PEE-a) in it. In other words,  it sounds like its meaning:






People have disagreements over what words have onomatopoeia, so try it out and see what you think. Bulbous. Doesn’t that sound round and maybe a little hard?

Sometimes words alone can inspire ideas for writing.  For me, the word creates a picture in my brain and I voyage on from there.  Sometimes the inspiring word doesn’t even make it into the final draft!  But sometimes the sounds just trip over each other to get out and I end up with something poetic.  With me, it’s often pretty silly, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s one I did called “Ooey-Gooey.”

So here’s my challenge: list out some words you love to say. Pick a few — pick them all! And create a little story or poem.

Tell me how your adventure with words goes. I want to know!

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